Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Is Everyone Okay???

Tonight, Wednesday May 25th, 2011 (Day of Fifth Grade Party), there was a series of possible tornadoes and a very severe thunderstorm. I would like to know if everyone is okay. We are all just lucky that it wasn't the image on the Wikipedia page link down below. That picture is HORRIFYING!!! Just take a look at it.


  1. This is Commander Jack reporting. Condition: Stable. Over and out.

  2. Egad! That is a horrifying picture!

  3. im fine i was taking a bath when it hit i was crying cause i have a 2 year lil sis and i was worried about her and me mom cause she was at work and would not answer her phone i also was worried because i had a jersey boy play 2 go 2 so i didnt want it 3 b cancled and there was a fire at the place i went wich it was the fox but not mr fox i saw a tarp over the roof and it was caused by electrical problem so thats all i half 2 say -urs truly
    -alexis the awesome-

  4. Aye aye aye! That's one big tornado! I swear, that's going to give me nightmares!
