Thursday, May 5, 2011

Like I said before, TV is now on the internet, with just the click of a button.

Striped Shirt Channel (also known as SSC), has been released within the few minutes that have passed on this Thursday afternoon. And now I would love to give you the link to this fabulous Blog/TV station. And here it is:


  1. Ha ha! You used my suggestion for "SSC"!
    P.S. For everyone else out there who are wondering what the heck I am talking about, it was MY idea for Striped Shirt Channel to be called "SSC".

  2. Everyone. Go to the post in March called "Vacation Pictures'. I have a very important comment there. And also, Mr. Fox is a follower on this blog, yet he NEVER comments. Something is wrong. Maybe he just uses Striped Shirt Blog as an advertising medium for HIS blog. Or maybe it's something bigger than that. Could he be a spy for someone who is ultimately planning the demise of Striped Shirt Blog. Or maybe it's something even worse. Either way, something spooky is sure going on.

  3. I have another important comment, in the March post called "Michael Ben's Question Of The Day".
    Hey, MBC, when will you post another 'Question Of The Day'?
    P.S."HELP, HELP!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!! Do you have a gmail account?" has become the most popular post with the current total of 58 Comments!
